How to Meditate for the Busy Person

How to Meditate for the Busy Person

If you are a stressed and busy person who feels the need to learn meditation, but the idea of finding half an hour or more to meditate itself is stressful, have no fear! I have a few short meditation techniques that are only three to ten minutes in length.

These techniques are quick, easy, and super beneficial for busy people like you and me!

  1. Breathe – This really is at the heart of meditation. By focusing on your breath, you are able to let your thoughts flow in and out and ultimately pull your focus inward. This technique can last as little as 60 seconds or as long as 10 minutes, and the best part is that you can literally do it anywhere.

I recommend that you bring your thumb and middle together like this:

pressurepointsThe pressure point will automatically bring your mind into focus.  Now, start to bring your focus to your breathe. Inhale in for a count of 6, hold for 4, and exhale for 6. Do 5 rounds of this, and then take note of how you are feeling. More relaxed? A bit Zen? Focused?

The best part is that you can do this anytime, anywhere.

  1. GPS4Soul – This is for all of my technology junkies. Okay, we are all a bit addicted to our smart phones, and generally I recommend taking a break from all of our connectivity. But, I have found this app to be invaluable as a form of quick meditation.


GPS for the Soul is a killer app for better living. The app is based on two truths:  that we all have within us a centered place of harmony and balance, and that we all veer away from that place again and again.

This super cool app has a feature that allows you to check your heart rate using your iPhone camera lens.

The camera flash turns on to guide you to put your index finger on the lens. You can instantly see your heart rate being tracked and visually see a graph moving up and down as the numbers change.

heartratetrackerAfter your heart rate is tracked, the app assesses how stressed you are and offers guides to help center yourself and become calmer. If you are balanced, it will offer other guides to stay in that mindset.

The guides are everything from mediation to yoga poses to photo therapy.

Each guide also gives you breathing cues, a rising and falling visual. This is extremely helpful.

You can also make your own guides with pictures or songs.

  1. Another killer app you may want to try is This one doesn’t track heartrate, however, it is great for the beginner as well and was the first one I used to help train my brain.
  2. Do Mealtime Mini-Meditations – Mealtime is a great time to meditate, because it’s already a given in your day. This is the perfect time to take a few minutes to pause and appreciate your meal. Slow down and notice how the aromas of food can relax you, whether it’s a warm mug of tea, the cinnamon on your oatmeal, or veggie-filled soup simmering on the stove. When you smell something delicious and scrumptious, it is practically effortless to focus on your breath and take in the delectable aromas. Breathe them in. Slow down and enjoy your meal!

As you can see, meditation can come in many forms and you only need a few minutes to do this each day. Give one of these practices a try today.

Your personal Nurse Coach,

Chris Pyne

How to avoid a fast food joint when on the go and hungry

How to avoid a fast food joint when on the go and hungry

Well, I am sure at one time or another we have all found ourselves on the drive thru line, starving, and craving some food that will provide a solution to that crazy grumbling sound in our bellies. So, we go for something quick and fast. It also doesn’t help that each town has at least one to two or even more fast food joints to offer some quick yet unhealthy options for us. How do we avoid this? How can we avoid being that hungry, craving, cranky, and in a need of a fast fix person who has lost all control for healthy determination? Well, it is much simpler than you’d think.

The real fast food, before corporations built these multi-million dollar unhealthy options for us, was good old-fashioned fruits and veggies. Imagine that! Fruits and veggies should always be the number one option, and they are sold everywhere we turn as well, although they don’t usually have a drive thru. So, if it is about convenience then we need to prepare ahead of time. If we pack snacks and quick foods to go in our purse or brief case then we will always have a fast food option that aligns with having a healthy determination.

I suggest packing apples, bananas, oranges, and even some healthy homemade trail mix! Trail mix is my favorite go-to snack when I’m on the go. I put some nuts, raisins, and dried fruit like cranberries in a little Ziploc back or plastic Tupperware container. It is always there and it doesn’t fail me. It also quick to prepare and if I make a bunch of it I can take little servings for a couple days so it lasts.

The best way to avoid fast food joints while on the go is to always make sure you have a fast food option in your purse.

Christine Pyne
Your Personal Health Coach

Simple Ayurvedic Practices for Daily Detox

Simple Ayurvedic Practices for Daily Detox

You’ve been working hard on your detox and you want to be sure that the effects of all that effort last. You can also set yourself up for your next seasonal detox, primed, and ready to release toxins on a deeper level.

If you have never heard of Ayurveda, here’s the skinny:  Ayurveda translates to ‘knowledge of life’ or ‘science of life’.  Ayurveda is to India what Traditional Chinese Medicine is to China.  Ayurveda is about living in communion with the shifts of the seasons and the rhythms of the sun and moon throughout the day. It is an ancient practice that both supports wellness and recovers health. The principles are universal and can be practiced by anyone with a desire to feel more connected to their health and wellbeing.

Because you’re involved in a seasonal detox, you’ve already begun to practice one of the Ayurvedic principles, so adding these 3 simple daily practices will increase your body’s ability to withstand the stress of daily life and the toxins you can not help but be affected by.

If you haven’t already, begin to add these 3 practices into your routine. Do them sequentially and stay with it.

Banish Bad Breath – Upon rising, eliminate, brush your teeth and scrape your tongue.  Did you know that you will remove more sticky plaque from your mouth with a metal tongue scraper than you will by brushing your teeth?  Below is a simple video to show you how it’s done.  Do this before put anything into your belly.

Rinse Your Belly – By now, you have an understanding that a clean digestive system works so much more efficiently and uses less energy that a clogged up, gummy one. To keep your system clean and start with a clean stomach, drink 16 – 20 ounces of warm water first thing.  This has three primary effects for your body.

  • Number One – Okay, actually it’s about ‘number two’. It is especially helpful to promote movement and train the body so that will eliminate through the bowel more easily. Do you have to add lemon?  No. Will it hurt to add lemon? No. Just make the water body temperature and you will get the greatest benefit.
  • Number Two – Clean pure, warm, body temperature water first thing in the morning will help to clear out any leftovers in the stomach.This way yesterday’s food that may not have fully digested will not mix with today’s undigested food, kind of like getting a new plate for your breakfast instead of using the dirty one from last night’s dinner.
  • Number Three – It hydrates you! Your body wakes up dehydrated. It’s been starved for water for at least 8 hours. Because optimally, your body is about 70% water when you start your day with all your internal electrical systems flowing, you will think better. Which means you will make better food choices.  Better food choices now mean that your next seasonal detox will release a little more deeply.

Oil Up – The daily practice of Abhyanga is a hot oil self-massage. This one practice will nourish your skin and body on a level that is superior to any other skin treatment. Remember, you skin is your largest organ. Once you start the habit, you’ll find it doesn’t take long to add it to you daily morning routine.

How to Abhyanga 101

  • Warm your oil to body temperature.
  • Pour a small amount into your hand and add oil as you need it.
  • Massage into hands. Then begin with the neck, working your way down towards your feet, because this is a grounding massage. Long strokes on the bones and circular strokes on the joints. Until you reach the feet.
  • When done, get into a hot shower and let the hot water rinse over you. The hot water will open your pores and press the oil into the skin. This is not only nourishing but protective. If you want to use soap, use it on your pits and privates. There is enough chlorine and other detergents in the water to ‘clean’ you.
  • Dry off as you normally would.

These are so simple, easy, and actually elegant ways of taking care of your body that will promote daily detox in a toxic world.

Enjoy them!

Christine Pyne
Your Personal Health and Wellness Coach

Springtime Liver Cleanse

Springtime Liver Cleanse

It’s out with the old and in with the new for springtime, and the same should go for toxin build up in your body. Cleansing should occur at least once a year, but it is also suggested that as the seasons change, a good cleanse can better prepare us for the changes of the seasons. Just like the temperature, the foods we eat during each season changes. Going from spring to summer, the body is working up for some of the busiest months of the year.

Traditionally, cultures all around the world have practiced seasonal cleansing in all types of different ways. Specifically for a liver cleanse, the liver is how the body takes toxins out of the body, and that is how the liver earns the spot of one of the hardest working organs in our bodies! The liver works with many other organs in our body to detox blood, produce bile, hormone breakdowns, and acts as a storage facility for our vitamins and minerals. If the liver is not functioning properly, it affects many other areas of our body.

Some more important functions of the liver include removing old blood cells, helping the intestines process nutrients, chemical production for blood clotting, the breakdown and metabolizing of alcohol and consumed medications, and the production of necessary proteins and cholesterol. When people hear ‘liver disease’ they typically think of alcoholism, but that is not the only cause of liver disease or liver failure. Some other risk factors associated with liver disease include low potassium levels, drug use, exposure to certain chemicals, obesity, processed foods, viral infections and autoimmune diseases.

Some things you may notice if your liver is not performing at its best include gas or bloating, constipation, heartburn, acid reflux, yellowish tint to skin and eyes, high blood pressure, difficulty losing weight, cognitive difficulties, dark urine, chronic fatigue, poor appetite, and chronic fatigue.

If you want to support your liver there are certain foods you should focus on. These foods include beets, carrots, tomatoes, grapefruit, spinach, citrus fruits, cabbage, turmeric, walnuts, avocados, apples, Brussels sprouts, garlic, dandelion root, leafy green vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, green tea, artichoke, olive oil, and alternative grains like quinoa, millet and buckwheat.

There are many diets, supplements, and programs available to cleanse your liver; you need to find the one that is best for you. Consult your doctor if you have concerns or questions. Below are some general tips that have worked for me:

– Hydrate!
– Eat clean and organic
– Exercise regularly
– Eat a low-fat diet that is high in fiber
– Take a probiotic.
– Eat light meals more frequently.
– Get the proper amount of sleep
– Avoid alcohol and tobacco products
– Avoid processed foods and whole grains

You will find that when you are done with your liver cleanse, you should notice that you have much more energy, your digestion has improved, and your skin looks younger and brighter. You will also have better mental clarity and cognitive functioning, along with a boost to your immune system and more balanced blood sugar levels.

Interesting in removing toxins naturally? If you’d like to shed unwanted weight and Spring cleanse this season click here to check out my Spring Detox Program.

Christine Pyne
Your Personal Health Coach

Spring Detox and its Benefits!

Spring Detox and its Benefits!

Time for spring cleaning, but while you clean your house, you should clean your body with a spring detox! Spring is the time for growth and renewal and your body is energizing itself for the busy months to come. It is the perfect time to get rid of the toxins in your body and gain some rejuvenation after those long winter months.

There is no hiding that we pack on a few pounds physically and emotionally from the heaviness of winter. If we don’t change our habits and cleanse our bodies, we leave ourselves open to colds and flu, which is one way the body works to cleanse itself.  People generally become more stagnant in the winter and suffer from general aches and pains which can also be helped with a good spring cleanse.

Many cultures have historically fasted or cleansed during the spring months, and all in radically different fashions. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to a spring cleanse, but it is something everyone can benefit from. You need to choose one that is the best fit for you and your health.  Your body may tell you what kind of cleanse it needs and for how long!

Spring is the time nature produces many fruits and vegetables that are perfect for a natural detox.  This includes berries, sprouts, greens, and bitter roots that also help improve your immunity and fight off toxins and diseases. Your body should crave different foods to prepare for and get in sync with the new season. We need to listen to what our bodies need and what is offered in nature to reach optimal health and wellness.

If this is your first detox, you will need support from a health coach like myself. I can walk you through a whole foods based detox program. Not only is it important to plan your detox, but planning your post-cleanse is just as important.  You want to be sure to continue a healthier lifestyle by eating clean, hydrating, and limiting sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake.

There are so many benefits to cleansing your body. A spring detox will help get rid of the toxic waste that has built up in your organs and cells which keep them from doing their job properly.  As the snow melts, a detox can help you shed some added weight as well! Other benefits of a cleanse include healthier skin, improved digestive system, MORE ENERGY, improved immune system, clearer thinking, improved movement and flexibility, and the general feeling of renew and rejuvenation filled with motivation as you feel lighter.

Some other ways to enhance your spring cleanse is by taking some probiotics, antioxidants, massage therapy, saunas, aromatherapy baths, and exercise (sweat it out!). Foods that you should focus on with a Spring cleanse include lemons, spinach, radishes, pineapples, artichokes, nettles, green tea, green peas, coriander, celery, sesame seeds, turmeric, cabbage, dandelion roots, citrus fruits, berries, asparagus, and garlic. It is best if they are all in their organic raw natural form.

During your cleanse, be sure to:

  • Hydrate: As you become more active you will need to drink more water
  • Practice clean eating
  • No caffeine, sugar, or alcohol.
  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Try to eliminate animal protein, eggs, wheat, gluten, corn and soy for the duration of your cleanse. These products have allergens, and you want to be as clean as possible.

Click here to learn more about my whole foods based Spring Detox.

You Can Do This,

Chris Pyne
Your Personal Health Coach

Detox is not as scary as you think!

Detox is not as scary as you think!

You know how nice it feels to drive your car home after getting a tune up? The oil is squeaky clean, the fluids have been topped off, windshield wipers have been changed, tire pressure is at that perfect level, and it’s been washed inside and out? Well, just like our cars need a tune up, a seasonal detox allows our bodies to become shiny and new again too.  It allows our body to reboot our metabolism, boost our immunity, clears the cobwebs from our minds, gives our skin a chance to glow, and allows us to lose weight effortlessly.

Are you afraid that it will be too hard or that maybe you aren’t worth it? I know for a fact that you ARE worth it, because I know deep down you are just like me. You want to be happy. You want to feel energetic, vibrant, and full of joy. Do you remember what that feels like? You can be confident in the fact that you are worth it. You are enough! AND, I will be with you every step of the way supporting you, answering your questions, and cheering you on, because I know you can do this.

Maybe a little fear comes up for you at the thought of not being able to eat your favorite foods.

Are you concerned about giving up your daily coffee, chocolate, or evening cocktails perhaps?

Are you afraid I’m going to make you drink juice and smoothies all day?

Maybe you think that you will feel hungry or deprived. No worries, my friend, because I’ve created this detox so you can pick which level of detox adventure you want to go on. Having all these feelings are natural, but you know what is not natural?  Feeling like we have to constantly count calories, not eat any fat, and go around in circles from one diet to the next. The thought of doing that for the rest of my life sounds just plain exhausting!

There is no reason to be scared because you will NOT feel deprived. We are going to keep it simple and eat wholesome, nourishing foods. The only thing you have to lose is some unwanted poundage, dark circles and puffiness under your eyes, and that feeling of lethargy that has been dragging you down. You will discover your blueprint for the foods that work for your unique body.

I have everything you will need: a step-by-step guide, the recipes, a shopping list and meal planner, as well as a transition recipe packet & food diary. I will be with you every step of the way with daily e-mail support and to cheer you on.

Check out all the details here! Register now and change your life forever!

Chris Pyne
Your Personal Health and Wellness Coach

5 Surprising Beauty Foods

5 Surprising Beauty Foods

All fresh fruits and vegetables contain magical powers when it comes to shiny hair, clear skin, and strong nails. However, the ones I’ve chosen below are perhaps not as well known for their powerful beauty benefits. Try and include these foods into your diet if you want to look your best without the need for botox or other unnatural remedies.

  1. Red Peppers. All red and orange colored foods contain beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant. Red peppers are particularly beautifying due to the minerals A, C, and K. Vitamins A and C can help prevent cell damage that leads to premature aging, and they can also reduce inflammation, which can cause a puffy-looking face. Peppers also has Vitamin K, which is an excellent property for protecting our cells from damage.
  2. Spinach. All leafy greens are actually very powerful in terms of being a beauty food because of the chlorophyll they contain. There are also loads of other phytochemicals and fiber in spinach that help build blood that is super clean and which will show through in your skin.
  3. Turmeric. This yellow-colored, Indian spice has a load of powerful antioxidant qualities. Turmeric assists in protecting our cells from free radical damage and also contributes towards cleaning up metabolic waste in our systems. It is also great as a liver flusher to get rid of any poisons and chemicals which are stored there.
  4. Pumpkin Seeds. Wow, these really are powerful. What don’t pumpkin seeds have in them?! The humble pumpkin seed contains high levels of zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B, C, and E. Pumpkin seeds are also a great source of amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids, all essential for healthy cell maintenance. Make a handful of pumpkin seeds a regular part of your diet, and you will definitely notice a change in your appearance.
  5. Parsley. Next time your plate is garnished with parsley, don’t push it aside. This is a pretty powerful herb when it comes to anti-aging, as well as purifying and cleansing the body. It contains vitamins A and C as well as anti-oxidizing flavonoids that protect our cells from free radical damage. Parsley also helps to purify the blood, kill bacteria, aid digestion, and cleanse toxins from the liver.

The best thing is that all these foods are easy to incorporate into your diet. Add turmeric to juice and combine the other foods with some other fixings to make a great, beautifying salad. Who said that beauty was hard to keep?

Chris Pyne
Your Personal Health and Wellness Coach

10 Steps to Better Digestion

10 Steps to Better Digestion

Do you feel like your food is just sitting in your stomach for hours after you eat? Or is the opposite happening, and you are running to the bathroom before you have even finished your meal? You are not alone, and there are things you can do improve the situation.

Here are ten steps to take now to get things moving properly through your gut:

  1. Food Combining – When foods are combined properly, they do not sit in your stomach and rot. That rotting food feeds the bad bacteria and yeast that everyone has residing in their digestive tract. To combine food, you eat protein with vegetables or grains with vegetables, never proteins & grains together. Also, fruits should be eaten alone on an empty stomach.
  2. Fermented Foods – These are naturally fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, pickles, etc., that, when eaten, will feed the good bacteria in your gut and balance your inner ecology.
  3. Enzymes and Probiotics – I suggest that everyone take digestive enzymes and probiotics to help with the digestion of their food and build up their immunity.
  4. Water – We all know we need to drink plenty of water. A little known Ayurvedic trick is to drink a glass of water 15 minutes before your meal. This will get your digestive juices flowing and your food will get digested better.
  5. 80/20 – This rule is to eat until you are 80% full. That leaves 20% of the room left in your stomach for your digestion to work. No one likes that uncomfortable full feeling and your tummy will thank you if you stop just before you are full.
  6. Eat Loads of Fiber – Your body needs fiber to carry out toxins, excess hormones, and junk. Eating lots of water-soluble fiber, found in veggies, will ensure that you get plenty of fiber. Just don’t forget step #4! Drink lots of water, too, so that you don’t end up with bulky stool.
  7. Short Fasting Period – Don’t worry, I am not suggesting that you don’t eat for a day. What I am suggesting is that you take some time between meals. Give your system about 3 or 4 hours to let the food get assimilated. When your gut is constantly bombarded by food all day long, it gets confused and doesn’t work properly. Give it some time to work on that last meal before you head to the kitchen for a snack.
  8. Cut Sugar and White Carbohydrates – These foods will feed the bad guys in your gut. Avoid them for less gas and bloating – and you don’t want the insulin spike that comes with them either.
  9. Gluten – A large percentage of Americans are gluten intolerant and do not know it. Try going without and see if your digestion works any better.
  10. Bone Broth – The #1 most soothing and healing drink that you could ever ingest. Homemade bone broth contains all of the nutrients you need to heal your gut if it is leaky and also provides the minerals you need for strong bones. It’s a win-win, must-consume food!

If you incorporate some or all of the tips, you will ease in to better digestion and the tummy troubles will disappear.

Christine Pyne
Your Personal Health Coach

How to Relieve Constipation – Simple Foods and Practices

How to Relieve Constipation – Simple Foods and Practices

I suffered from constipation most of my life, not knowing I was constipated. It all came to a head after the birth of my second child. I was MISERABLE!   I tried everything imaginable. I even resorted to chronic laxative abuse for many years, but eventually I knew I needed to do something. I took prescription medications and yes they temporarily helped but only for a short while and then caused other problems and side effects. It was a vicious cycle. I honestly didn’t know what to do, only that what I was doing wasn’t working.

Thankfully, I have been educated on HOW to build daily bowel movements into my daily routine. Now, it’s just part of my morning, and if I DON’T have one in the morning, my body just feels “off”!

Here are three simple tips that I learned:


Did you know that up to 75% of Americans are dehydrated? The problem is much more prevalent than most of us realize. Water is needed to help the food pass through the small and large intestine, along with the colon and rectum, as it can take up to 24 hours for food to pass from the mouth to the anus. In the intestine alone, one gallon of fluids is absorbed daily to help with digestion. In the colon alone, 5 to 10 pounds of fecal matter can be stored because of dehydration caused by lack of water.


Moving your body every day is key to daily bowel movements. What is the best kind of exercise to do? The one you will get done on a daily basis! You don’t have to do a ‘killer’ workout every day for it to be considered exercise; just get up and MOVE. Outside is ideal, but just get it done! Getting 20 to 30 minutes of continuous movement will help move your bowels. Exercise is even more important during long periods of sitting, such as commutes, trips, sedentary desk jobs, and screen time. Write it into your daily schedule and your daily bowel movement will follow closely behind!


Changing your diet to incorporate 50% to 75% fresh fruits and veggies will radically change your daily elimination habits, as they add fiber to your diet. When planning meals, plan your veggies and fruits first, and then add the carbs and protein. For instance, at lunch, fill your plate with a beautiful, BIG salad as the “mattress” for the rest of your meal. Experiment with a new veggie or fruit frequently. Eat seasonally and experience the most nutrition for your body. Look for local farmers’ markets to buy the fresh and local produce. And, of course, organic is best if it is an option.

Incorporate these three tips into your daily routine and your body will be a well-oiled machine in no time! Oh yes, and speaking of oil, one more tip: 1 to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil right off the spoon will lube your system like a well-tuned motor! You will be feeling lighter, more energetic, and less bloated in no time at all!

You don’t have to live with constipation and it is not normal to be chronically unable to move your bowels. Sometimes is does take more than these three steps; however, this is the start. If you need more help, jump on over to my webpage, fill out a health history and request a complementary 50-minute strategy session with me to get you “moving.”

Chris Pyne
Your Personal Health Coach

How Stress Affects the Brain

How Stress Affects the Brain

I’d like us to focus on stress, cortisol and sleep this week. Stay tuned for more on how the stress response affects your health and ways in which you can take control so you don’t suffer the ill effects on your brain and body. Here’s a quick video lesson on “How Chronic Stress Affects Your Brain.” (more…)